Postpartum doula in Stockholm
Evidence-based postpartum care in Stockholm
Families have a great need for support during those first tender months after a baby´s birth. As one of Stockholm's (and Sweden's) only ODIS certified postpartum doulas, I'm available during this time. I provide information around and help with infant care, including breastfeeding and soothing techniques, as well as making sure that the parents feel supported and cared for. This kind of support is associated with a reduced risk for postpartum mood disorders, improved breastfeeding success, and increased confidence in the parental role.
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My postpartum doula packages
Complete Postpartum Doula Package
Cost and extent:
550 kr per hour + cost of ingredients
Minimum 24 hours total (around 4-5 hours per visit)
What's included:
Two educational and preparatory meetings during pregnancy, centered around your needs and wishes – friends and family welcome to participate
Custom-made postpartum meal plan
Nourishing meals made in your home or delivered to the hospital
Postpartum care practices to facilitate healing
Emotional support and birth story processing
Breastfeeding support, including managing common and non-emergency complications such as engorgement
Help to understand infant sleep from a biological perspective and safe sleep counselling
Baby care while you shower, rest or take time for yourself
Domestic help including dishes and laundry
Sharing of knowledge and resources relevant to you
Referrals to other professionals
About this package:
This package is for you who want to create optimal chances for a restorative postpartum period. During two consultations prior to birth, we will make a thorough plan based on your wishes, including a personalized meal plan (that might be tweaked later to address your changing needs). You are welcome to invite friends and family to join in on these consultations, so that you can rely on their informed support after the birth.
I will visit you at least two times a week starting from your baby’s birthday. If your postpartum period begins at the hospital, I will deliver enough meals to keep you sustained until you can come home. Warm, soft and nourishing food will promote your recovery and bring you comfort.
Rest, warmth, nourishment and companionship are the corner stones postpartum sanctuary. You might also want to honor your body with time-tested postpartum care rituals such as soothing herbal sitz baths, pelvic steaming and belly bindning.
Everything included in my standard postpartum doula package will also be available to you, including loving and attentive baby care, breastfeeding support, domestic chores such as dishes and laundry (if time permits), and professional, unbiased advice to empower you and your partner in your roles as parents and facilitate a smooth transition to parenthood.
Standard Postpartum Doula Package
Cost and extent:
500 kr per hour
Minimum 12 hours total (around 3 hours per visit)
What's included:
One preparatory meeting during pregnancy, centered around your needs and wishes
Emotional support and birth story processing
Postpartum self-care tips
Breastfeeding support, including managing common and non-emergency complications such as engorgement
Help to understand infant sleep from a biological perspective and safe sleep counselling
Baby care while you shower, rest or take time for yourself
Domestic help including dishes and laundry
Sharing of knowledge and resources relevant to you
Referrals to other professionals
About this package:
Through empathetic listening and unbiased support, I aim to empower you to tackle the unexpected challenges of early parenthood with confidence. I support you in the process of integrating your birth experience and in dealing with days of baby blues. I also help you handle physical discomfort and promote a smooth recovery, whether you had a vaginal or a cesarean birth. I’m always happy to provide an extra pair of loving hands to hold the baby whenever you need a moment to care for yourself.
Included is also evidence-based breastfeeding support to give you a good start on yours and your baby's breastfeeding relationship. It can be a great relief to have access to professional lactation support in the comfort of your home, instead of having to visit a clinic with your newborn. If you are bottle feeding or combination feeding, I can teach paced bottle feeding and provide practical help with bottle sanitation.
My standard package does not include a personalized meal plan, but you can still order postpartum meals from my postpartum meal delivery menu that I will make in my home prior to our visits and bring to you. You will receive a 20% discount on the entire menu.
Add on:
Meals from my postpartum meal delivery menu with 20% discount
Postpartum Care After Abortion or Pregnancy Loss
Cost and extent:
500 kr per hour
Minimum 3 hours total (i.e. one visit)
What's included:
Unbiased and non-judgmental emotional support
Help to manage bodily changes and maintain physical well being
Manage breast soreness and lactation (if part of your experience)
Warming, nourishing postpartum meals
Help with domestic chores such as laundry and dishes
A ceremony to honor your baby (if you wish)
About this package:
If your pregnancy ended early, no matter if it was your choice or unexpected loss, you deserve rest, nourishment, warmth and recognition. An abortion or pregnancy release can lead to a significant blood loss and be very taxing for the body. You may feel physically and emotionally depleted, and unsure about how to care for yourself in the best way possible.
I hold space for you to process your emotions, nourish you with food that is made specifically to suit your needs, help you establish your own postpartum self-care rituals and honor your experience with ceremony, if this is something that you want.
To Book:
Either send me an email me at julianna@postpartum.se or feel free to use the booking form below.
Online Postpartum Consultation
Cost and extent:
400 kr per hour
Minimum 1 hour total
What's included:
Tips and advice addressing your specific needs
Sharing of knowledge and resources relevant to you
Referral to other professionals
About this package:
This package can be used if you want to include me in the planning of your upcoming postpartum period or, if you have already given birth, you can book a consultation for advice regarding postpartum care and diet, baby care and safety, sleep, routines, and breastfeeding. One or more remote consultations may also be an option for you if you live elsewhere and therefore cannot book me for home visits.
To Book:
Either send me an email me at julianna@postpartum.se or feel free to use the booking form below.
I offer a 20% discount to single parents on all postpartum doula services
Timeline from first contact to postpartum doula visits
1. Consultation
The first step is to fill in the form above to book a free consultation. This meeting is a chance for us to get to know each other and discuss how I would be able to support you based on your specific needs and wishes. The consultation can take place online or in person at your favorite coffee shop.
2. Planning session
If you decide to move forward, we will schedule at least one preparatory meeting that will take place in your home. I will help you prepare for the first hours after birth, welcoming your baby and beginning your breastfeeding or bottle feeding relationship. We will also talk about postpartum healing practices such as herbal sitz baths, warming therapies and belly binding. Meeting in your home before you give birth also allows me to get familiar with the environment in which I will be working. At the end of this meeting we will go over and sign the contract.
3. Keeping in touch
I will be available for over-the-phone support during the rest of your pregnancy. If we established contact early, I'll be there to answer questions along the way. I look forward to being there for you throughout your journey.
4. Postpartumdoula visits
After your baby is born, I will start visiting you regularly according to what we agreed upon. Most of my support happens during these visits. You will receive individualized postpartum care to support your recovery, for example:
Herbal sitz bath and pelvic steaming rituals
Belly binding
Soothing herbal infusions
Nourishing meals and snacks
Companionship and emotional support
Rest, while I watch over your baby
And support, such as:
Evidence-based information to inform your decision making
Breastfeeding support
Light housekeeping, including laundry
Referrals to other experts when needed
What your postpartum meals may look like
Why hire a postpartum doula?
A postpartum doula works to create the optimal environment for healing and recovery after birth and helps to build your confidence in your roles as new parents. Studies show that postpartum support helps reduce postpartum mood disorders and improves breastfeeding success (DONA).
What being a postpartum doula means to me
The transformative effect of pregnancy and birth is underestimated in our society. There is also a lack of understanding for how we can best support the enormous physical healing and emotional adjustment that needs to happen. I want to change that by reclaiming inherited postpartum traditions which focus on the new mother's needs.
This is what I do. I am 100% dedicated to my postpartum clients. Since I do not work as a birth doula, I will never have to reschedule a home visit because I have to attend a birth.
I value knowledge. My education has given me the tools to be able to offer professional postpartum doula care, and I constantly strive to keep myself updated on the latest research. I also attend trainings and workshops regularly.

I am a trained postpartum doula with Om Baby & Wellness Gothenburg and certified by ODIS – the Organisation for Doulas in Sweden. My teacher and mentor Lori Boggan is an experienced postpartum doula and IBCLC (International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant) with a background as a neonatal nurse.
I have also done the Yin Sanctuary training where both new and experienced postpartum care providers met to exchange thoughts and ideas around topics related to traditional postpartum care. The training is facilitated by Naomi Jansson, who is an experienced traditional medicines practitioner, passionate about supporting women holistically throughout their childbearing journey. Naomi is a registered nurse but also a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor.
The Yin Sanctuary initiated me into the philosophical and practical postpartum tradition of East Asian cultures. It gave me an understanding of the different stages of postpartum healing according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and how optimal postpartum regeneration can be facilitated with proper nourishment, rest and gently warming practices.
It also reinforced a lot of my intuitive knowing. For example, Naomi addressed how overdoing postpartum healing practices can interfere with the most important medicine, which is rest, and how nutrient density loading in the early days of postpartum can interfere with the different stages of healing. We also discussed the possible negative implications of popular postpartum care practices, especially when they are being practiced outside of their cultural context and not fully understood.
I have also supplemented my education with the course Food as Medicine with Postpartum Healing Lodge. It is a theoretical and practical training from which I have learned to use medicinal and culinary ingredients to prepare traditional postpartum food that supports recovery after birth. The dishes are often based on homemade bone, mushroom or herbal broth, seasonal vegetables and warming spices. My top priority is that the food I make is appropriate to your family's cultural and personal preferences.
What does it mean to hire a certified postpartum doula?
The ODIS certification means that the doula has completed a postpartum doula training and had at least three practical experiences working with postpartum families. A postpartum doula who is trained and experienced will have a better understanding of postpartum families’ needs. She works within the frames of a thoughtfully developed scope of practice, based on scientific evidence and clearly defined values. She will also have built a referral network of other professionals and know exactly where to refer you if you need any additional support. There are currently four certified postpartum doulas in Sweden.
My postpartum doula training and certification
Where I offer my postpartum doula services
I am located in central Stockholm and offer my services in and around Stockholm County.
Postpartum traditions around the world
Postpartum has always been a time when the new mother was cared for by her female relatives and neighbours. In Sweden, the first meal was often hot porridge served in a special bowl. The women created a protective atmosphere around the motherbaby and took over the household chores for a period so that the mother had the chance to rest. This was, and is still, important for the body's ability to recover without complications.
All known postpartum traditions around the world emphasize the importance of rest, warmth, nutrition and kinship. Traditionally, people have also practiced many rituals, especially around the management of the placenta, to protect both the mother and the baby from evil spirits during this vulnerable time.
Why should I hire a postpartum doula?A postpartum doula is a support person and anchor with expert knowledge within postpartum healing, infant feeding and baby care. She can provide advice and guidance to facilitate a positive postpartum period, and her presence in the home can contribute to a feeling of safety which helps the parents relax, recover and enjoy their new baby. While specific reasons to hire a postpartum doula can vary between individuals, every family needs support in the weeks after birth. Someone who has just given birth should not be left alone in the home and in many cultures this is not the norm. New parents have a full time responsibility for their newborn baby all the while the mother, especially, is in a physically and emotionally vulnerable state. Even the most well-intentioned family and friends are unlikely to have professional training and experience in postpartum care and understanding the baby’s cues and needs. It is also possible that they live far away or cannot be with you during the day because of their own responsibilities.
Are there many trained postpartum doulas in Sweden?No, there are not many trained postpartum doulas in Sweden yet. But in many other countries postpartum doulas or other postpartum care providers are common. For example, in the Netherlands everyone has access to a postpartum doula for the first eight days after birth. She is called kraamverzorgende and she takes care of the mother, the baby and the household. It is important to know that “postpartum doula” is not a protected title and that anyone can call themselves one. Therefore it is important to ask what relevant training the postpartum doula has completed before hiring them.
Can I hire a postpartum doula even after my baby is born?Yes, you can hire a postpartum doula whenever you want throughout the fourth trimester. Despite this, there are benefits to establishing a relationship with your postpartum doula while still pregnant. You will get to know each other before birth and will meet to plan for your postpartum period. During the postpartum planning session you also get information about what happens during the first hours after birth (golden hour, starting to breastfeed, hospital routines etc). This meeting takes place in your home which is also a chance for the postpartum doula to get familiar with the environment where she will support you. When your baby is born you will also have support directly from the beginning, when you need it the most, which can also help you avoid problems like postpartum mood disorders, postpartum depletion or breastfeeding issues before they begin to take hold.